Thursday, July 19, 2012

Hi to all!

Well the day has arrived for my departure to Sydney, and I must confess... I'm nervous as h***! I still have some issues to take care off (money exchange, bags, phone etc). Yesterday I sepnt my last night in my room in London and I must say it was somewhat depressing... My room is empty, most of my friends have left for their homes, so it was pretty lonely. However, my best friend here, Mahfooz, arrived back to London from Jordan yesterday, so at least I had him to keep me company.

So this is how my flight is going to take place:

Firstly, after taking care of all the things I mentioned above, Ill be leaving for Kings Cross/St Pancrass tube station where Ill be taking a direct tube via Picadilly towards Heathrow (Terminal 4) at about 5pm in order to get there an hour later.

After cheching my bag in Ill be faced with a 3hour wait (yes, chack -in must be done 3h in advance :s) untill I can actually board on my Ethiad airways flight to Abu Dhabi. This flight will take approximatly 7hours after which Ill have to wait for another 3h30 mins for my next flight. Once the wait is over Ill be taking the flight to Sydney with Virgin Australia, which will, unfortunatly, take about another 13h 45 mins to get there, arriving at 6:30 am. Then it's of to Jess's house by train :) She kindly offered to pick me up at the train station. 

So yes, busy day today... But although, as I said before, I'm very nervous, I think everything is going to be just fine. I have my music, my book (50 shades of grey: THANKS GEORGE! ;p), and I'm planning to get there more than on time. 

Wish me a good flight! ;)

Big Kiss

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